Develop actionable plans to meet business growth goals.  We look at your current business situation and identify specifically where new business will come from, and how best to position your business to capture the growth.  Additionally, we ensure that all of the marketing mix elements and operational plans support your overall growth strategy.  Please see our approach to strategy and marketing plan development for details on how we attack these projects.  Related to these activities, we can also help you:

•  Position or re-position your products or business - to ensure that you are delivering what customer's want and need

•  Develop sales tools and promotional materials that reach the right audience and send the intended message

•  Build financial models around your strategy to determine return on investment and cash flow


We have strong credentials needed to help you develop your business and marketing plans.  We can deliver your plan at lower cost than in-house alternatives or larger management consulting firms.  Our creativity is drawn from a variety of industries and business situations.  The functional expertise you need is more efficiently drawn from external sources.


Serve as additional resources to execute marketing plans and deliver on business objectives.  We are experienced business professionals and we can run specific marketing campaigns, manage specific projects, or serve as members of your marketing team.  Think of us as additional marketing resources for your business.  Additionally, if your company does not have a full-time marketing function, we can efficiently provide these services.

•  Direct sales

•  Promotional campaigns

•  Web based campaigns


Run new product development projects using a disciplined stage and gate process to minimize risk.  We can manage your specific new product development efforts to maximize the likelihood that the end-product will meet the customers' needs and wants, with the goal of technical and commercial success.  We can also help you manage your active R&D efforts to help ensure that your portfolio is consistent with your strategy plan and will deliver the intended business results.  We can also help you set up your NPD process and strategies.

•  Manage NPD Projects

•  Develop your NPD process and train your organization

•  Portfolio management


Evaluate and structure potential acquisitions or other business development deals to maximize return on investment.  Acquisitions and other business development projects are infrequent activities for most companies.  We can help you identify targets, evaluate and structure potential deals, plan and conduct due diligence and plan integration.  We can manage specific efforts or serve as members of your business development, due diligence or integration teams.


Provide your organization with the tools to meet your business objectives.  Functional expertise comes from repeating the same types of projects and learning as you go.  Most companies don't change strategies or positioning that often, so it is difficult to develop this type of expertise.  We can help your organization on a project basis or set up specific training sessions for your marketing organization.

•  Positioning and branding (what benefits your customers' get)

•  Market segmentation (where are the opportunities)

•  Strategy development (where new business will come from)

•  New product development and portfolio management


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