Yes "Vandelay" is a Seinfeld reference.  The name was born as a constant reminder to keep a sense of humor about ourselves and what we do - a guiding principle in our lives.  We also think the name is memorable, which is certainly important as well.

Interestingly, the name has taken on a deeper meaning as we continue to gain experience from a variety of businesses.  Throughout the seasons of Seinfeld, Vandelay (and its fictional



We have strong credentials needed to help you develop your business and marketing plans.  We can deliver your plan at lower cost than in-house alternatives or larger management consulting firms.  Our creativity is drawn from a variety of industries and business situations.  The functional expertise you need is more efficiently drawn from external sources.


namesake, Art) took on different business roles: from import/export, to Latex manufacturer, all the way to the legal world.  We think this is very appropriate for a company like ours.  The ability to change from one industry or business situation to the next, draw analogies, and spot differences is a source of our strength.  As Frans Johansson describes in The Medici Effect, good ideas most often occur when you bring concepts from one area into another.  Creativity happens at the seams - and Vandelay is at the seams.

Also fitting to Vandelay Management is George's related fascination with being an architect.  This supports our company vision, because like in architecture, we design businesses and business plans through the creative application of solid fundamentals.


Copyright © Vandelay Management, LLC (2006-2014)